Solutions in recycling processing

Recycling is a key component of waste management to reduce both pollution and landfill waste. We offer customized solutions for the collection, compaction and sorting of waste materials.


  1. Primary Shredding: Totally integrated machine design and performance are the key feature of our planetary products for primary shredding equipment. Bonfiglioli boasts ample experience with all OEM WW leaders. Our dedicated factory guarantees premium services worldwide.
  2. Secondary Shredding: A planetary torque rating over 2 MioNm guarantees a complete range of shredding machine applications. Thanks to a high peak load capacity, our planetary gears offer best-in-class  mechanical performance. Fully interagatable with Bonfiglioli drives for a  complete package solution.
  3. Conveying: Thanks to an extensive selection of features and space efficiency, we offer products for a variety of conveying systems. High dynamic response and energy efficiency are signature Bonfiglioli features. Furthermore, our cost-effective and extended service  intervals guarantee low cost of ownership. Fully interagatable with Bonfiglioli drives for a  complete package solution.
  4. Compactors: We offer versatile, robust and energy-efficient solutions that meet all compactor requirements. High dynamic response and energy efficiency are signature Bonfiglioli features. Furthermore, our cost-effective and extended service  intervals guarantee low cost of ownership. Fully interagatable with Bonfiglioli drives for a  complete package solution.

    1./ 2. Reverse vending machine (shredding or compactor): High reliability and long operating life are the basic features that our products offer for standalone recycling machines. And full integration with Bonfiglioli drives offers a complete package solution.

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Solutions in recycling processing